IMPORTANT!!! A 156.7 Hz Tone access the VE3RPL 2 Meter repeater Linking! No need to turn off and on PL tone. Don’t forget to save the change in memory on your transceivers (some rigs will forget the change on power down if you don’t save).
Repeater | Frequency | Offset | PL Tone | Notes |
VE3RPL 2Meter VHF | 145.490MHz | (-)600Khz | 156.7 | Owned By PSARC. Echolink Node 932643/IRLP Node 2480 |
VE3RPL 70cm UHF | 443.575MHz | (+)5MHz | 156.7 | Owned By PSARC Back On Air! |
VE3AAY 6Meter VHF | 53.110MHz | (-)1MHz | C/S | Owned By VE3BV (Bruce) Linked into VE3RPL VHF. Echolink Node 427217/IRLP Node 2226 Carrier Squelch Rx 156.7 Tx |
VE3UPS 70cm UHF | 444.800MHz | (+)5MHz | 103.5 | Owned By VA3SD (Charles) Asterisk Node 27195 |
VE3RPL 2B 2Meter VHF | 147.150MHz | (+)600KHz | 118.8 | Emergency Repeater Low Power 10KM Owned By PSARC |
PSARC Remote Base
Implemented in to our Repeater Network is a frequency agile remote base that we can control remotely. With that we have access to RF Link in to other repeaters and TX and RX on 3 repeaters that we have linked within the Parry Sound District, without the need to rely on the internet.
Channel List
1: VE3LSR-1 Barrie
2: VE3LSR-2 Barrie
3: VE3RAG Barrie
4: VA3MRR Port Sydney
5: VE3MUS Dwight
6: VA3ROG Collingwood
7: VE3ERX North Bay
8: VE3RMI Manitoulin Island
9: VA3URU South River
10: VE3BLZ Alban
11: VE3YRA Aurora
12: VE3SGB Penetang
13: 146.52 Simplex
14: VE3SRG Sudbury
15: VE3OSR Owen Sound
16: VE3RPL-2B Parry Sound
VE3RPL Parry Sound Amateur Radio Club
Operating Procedures and Guidelines
1: Please Monitor the repeater to become familiar with any peculiarities in its operation.
2: To initiate a contact simply indicate that you are on frequency by saying your callsign over the air. Generally,”This is VE3/VA3XXX monitoring” will do. Please do not “kerchunk” the repeater (key up with identifying yourself) just to see if it is working or if you can “hit it”
3: Identify legally: you must identify at the beginning and end of a transmission or series of transmissions and at least once each 30 minutes during the communication.
4: Please pause between transmissions. This allows other has to use the repeater (someone may have an emergency) A short pause after the courtesy tone but before the tail releases will reset the courtesy time. A transmission before the courtesy tone could cause the controller to “time out” and temporarily cut off the QSO.
5: Please keep transmissions short. A monologue may prevent someone with an emergency from using the repeater. If you talk long enough, you may actually time out the repeater.
6: Be careful what you say. Your comments and opinions are being heard by many listeners including non-hams with scanners and various public band listening equipment. Don’t give a bad impression of the hobby. The frequencies we use are public property and are in no way a secure mode of conversation. You don’t know who is listening.
7: Use simplex whenever possible. If you can complete your QSO on a direct frequency, there is no need to tie up the repeater and prevent others from using it.
8: Use the minimum amount of power needed to access the repeater. The reason for this is that other repeaters share the same frequency as ours and by using an unnecessary amount of power, you can key up another repeater on the same frequency and deny others their right to use their machine. You may also be interrupting an emergency call on another machine. In simple, it is just plain rude.
9: Don’t break into a contact unless you have something to add. Interrupting is no more polite on the air then it is in person.
10: All repeaters are assembled and maintained at considerable cost and inconvenience. Usually an individual or group is responsible and those that are regular users of the repeater should support the efforts of keeping the repeater on the air.
PSARC Note: Any serious infraction of the Amateur Radio Regulations as issued by the Federal Government will result in the repeater being shut down by the licence holder and/or their designee with a letter from the president of the Club being sent to the offender.